Monday, June 13, 2011

White Chocolate Mousse with stewed Rhubarb


Serves 8-10, depending on size of pot.


100ml Whole Milk
275g White chocolate
300ml Double cream
3 free range egg whites
400g fresh rhubarb
1 tbsp elderflower cordial
2 tbsp caster sugar
best-quality cocoa for dusting


1. First make the stewed rhubarb.. chop the rhubarb into 3cm chunks and place in a wide pan. Toss in elderflower cordial and sugar. Place on a medium heat and simmer for about 10-15 mins, until soft but not mushy. Remove from heat and cool. Once cool place in the bottom of individual pots.

2. Break the white chocolate into small pieces and melt in a glass bowl balanced over a pan of gently simmering water (don't let the water touch the bottom of the bowl.. the steam will melt the chocolate and stop it from overheating and turning lumpy). As soon as it starts to melt take off heat, it will continue to melt.

3. Whip the cream to soft peaks, do not over-whip. In a separate bowl beat the egg whites till stiff.

4. Heat milk till warm.

5. When chocolate is completely melted, remove from the heat and pour the warm milk on to it. Stir the chocolate and milk together till velvety.

6.scoop mixture onto the egg whites and fold gently together with a large metal spoon. Now fold in the softly whipped cream.

7. scrape into pots/ espresso cups on top of the rhubarb. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours till set. Dust with cocoa before serving.

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